Thursday, July 4, 2013

Welcome to Reanaissance!

Thank you for checking out my blog.  I'm starting (re-starting that is) my blog to chronicle my ramblings.  My interests are varied as I have for a significant part of my life struggled to be both an artist and a scientist at the same time.  I do hope that this blog will be able to capture my interests and sentiments as a Physicist and a Choreographer/Ballet Teacher.

You may ask why I have put associated my blog with the Renaissance?  One of the things my father left me were the words my grandfather passed on to him.  He told my dad not to specialize in one thing but to be well rounded.  Secondly, the renaissance is a rebirth which I associate with the rebirth of the creative giftings God deposited in me since I was young.  I am excited to blog my thoughts regularly.


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